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- Museum of exclusive amplifiers >>>







The two-stage single-step circuit without negative feedback. , transformless output.

Type of tubes - 6N15P and 6N6P - the first version. Type of tubes - 6N15P and 6S19S - the second version.

For coordinated work with headphones, having 30, 100, and 300 Ohm of resistance, the amplifier has a three-position switch.
Two line inputs and one line output.


Working together with our transistor amplifier TA-2, the preamp mini allows to reach perfect sound of AG-1 hybrid model .
It can also help to eliminate or reduce the lifelessness of transistor amplifiers made by other producers.


- 48000 rubles.




Version H-2 with an additional, second output for low-impedance headphones with an impedance of 8 to 30 ohms. Headphones with an impedance of 8 to 80 ohms can be connected to this output. A three-position switch allows you to choose the best sounding match with different headphones, both for low-ohm output and for standard output into a load from 30 to 300 ohms.



- 61200 rubles.


It is possible to manufacture an external matching block for H-2. The output of the matching device is designed to work with low-impedance headphones. The kit includes a 70 cm audio cable to connect the signal from the output of the H-2 to the input of the matching device.



- 15400 rubles.





Transformerless tube preamplifier.
One stage, single-ended circuit without negative feedback.

Type of tubes- ECC85.
Three line inputs and one line output.


Working together with our transistor amplifier TA-2, the preamp mini allows to reach perfect sound of AG-1 hybrid model .
It can also help to eliminate or reduce the lifelessness of transistor amplifiers made by other producers.


See TA-2 and TA-2 as a part of Ruslan`s audio system. We thank Ruslan (our dealer) for this pictures.


- 37500 rubles.



Attention, in connection with instability of the prices of materials and equipment elements , all prices are given approximately. The exact prices will be calculated by preparation of the order for products.

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- Мuseum of amplifiers>>>



Auxiliary devices


(Please discuss with us the possibility of ordering)


EnlargePower supplies.





For multimedia consoles.

With one output voltage of 5 Volts, PS-1-5. Price: - 43200 rubles.

With one output voltage of 12 volts, PS-1-12. Price: - 47600 rubles.

With switching the output voltage to two values of 5 or 12 Volts, PS-1-5-12. Price - 55900 rubles.

With switching the output voltage to three values of 5 or 7, or 12 Volts, PS-1-5-7-12. Price - 60700 rubles.

The output current is 2.5 amperes.

The output cable ZKI from the power supply to the console. Price: - 11700 rubles.





Switch between speakers and headphones.
is intended to create headphone output in our amplifiers. It has a toggle switch to choice between speakers and headphones.
Cables for the section "amplifier - switch" are to be ordered separately. Usually we produce cables not shorter than 2 M, but in a set with S-2 we accept orders for 2 cables, each 1 m. long for connection between amplifier and switch.
On the photo - the previous model of the switch. Currently we accept orders for S-2 with three-position toggle switch for agreed work with headphones, having 30, 100, and 300 Ohm.


Photo of new S-2




Price: - 20200 rubles.








Switch SMA

Switch on the front panel allows you to choose between three five-channel signal sources and two stereo sources. The switch has five positions of the input selector.

You can use it to signal on the five-channel amplifier or amplifier with fewer channels.

The selector  is passive. Power of the network is required only for reed relay and for indication of selected input.

See another photo.



- 64000 rubles.




EnlargeVoltage optimizer

Autotransformer with a set of output sockets. Eliminates the average deviation of the mains voltage. Improves the sound of the audio system.


View more: photo 1

photo 2


Price with a black front panel - 66500 rubles. With veneered front panel - 73800 rubles.



Attention, the products are made to order with 50% prepayment. The making  takes approximately two months.

Ready products  are by 20% more expensive. (Except special proposals from the section "Ready products " ).



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Copyright ©2003, Alexandr Klyachin

Made in Point Studio